One of the reasons that I love coming to the Amazon is that we have no access to television, internet and newspapers and all the bad news that we have been inundated with in the US for the past year. I attached a picture of the PCA students that are working their hearts out on this trip! I have been amazed at how the students have fully stepped up to the leadership plate and they are the ones taking charge of getting the task done. This picture is in an auditorium where our students ministered to 500 high school students in Parintins yesterday. They led in some powerful worship and gave their testimonies. Thank you so much for you gifts to make it possible for this team to go. We leave this evening for the villages where we will spend the next few days in Varevento Village (which means Whirlwind in English). Rick Briscoe spent some time this evening pouring himself into training and encouraring the key music leadership team here at the First Baptist Church of Parintins.
The Good news is that God is rocking through these students here in Brazil as they boldly proclaim their passion for Christ!!! Keep us in your prayers!
Christ Is Life! Johnson Ellis