Sunday, May 29, 2011

Baylor Day 2

Day 3 of ministry here in the Amazon. Update from yesterday, the youth rally was incredible! Americans and Brazilians were blessed and relationships were formed that will not soon be forgotten. We got to work with a group of roughly 60 young adults from Pastor Elmer's church in Parintins. They were such a blast to be around. Gabi shared her testimony in church and encouraged so many with her words by letting the Holy Spirit use her.
We spent time split up into groups of guys and girls and shared powerful stories of purity, forgiveness and restoration in Christ. God really did some amazing things in the short time we were in Parintins. I want to personally thank the Young Singles at Prestonwood who worked so hard to raise money to make this event so incredibly successful. I got to spend time training the leadership in the church how to run a youth rally so that they can go out into local villages and reach the young people there.
Today we are in a larger village called Bahaia. Us Americans (mainly me) are learning to be flexible and roll with the punches. Harrison has done an incredible job leading and keeping my head on straight, he also just told me he scored a goal against the Brazilians in our big soccer game this afternoon.
The Bush family, Tori, Amber and Leah worked hard at the dental station pulling teeth all day. Lauren Simpson, Lathan, Lexi, Emily, Troy, Taylor, Jennie and Lauren Glavin spent the afternoon loving on kids. They were awesome VBS leaders and I was so blessed to watch them share the love of Christ with the sweet Brazilian people who are so dear to my heart.
We started some mens and womens ministry today and it went well. The Holy Spirit really spoke through Michael and Harrison's testimony to the men. We also gave the women some of the new evangelism aprons that were made and donated to Amazon Outreach and they were overjoyed, smiling laughing and posing for one another, it was a sweet sight to see.
Harrison and I had the opportunity to meet the President of the village and hear his story. He has been praying for 3 years that a church would be built in his village and here in a couple of months Amazon Outreach is bringing a trip here led by Bill Blythe that will build that very church to answer his prayers. The people here are open and hungry for the gospel so please be praying for the future leadership of the church here because the enemy definitely does not want such a large, powerful community on fire for Christ.
Everyone is healthy and we could not be more thankful for that. Keep praying for continued health, rest and that God's name will continue to be glorified throughout the nation. We look forward to a new day to proclaim His name but until then, "Soups On Baby" aka Dinner Time!
Deus Abencoe
Sic Em Bears
In Christ,
Landen Ellis, Harrison Ross & Baylor Team


  1. Gabby, Deus te abençoe! Tio Helder

  2. Gabby, Que o Espirito Santo continue te guiando, orgulhosos e com saudades de voce. Um beijo para voce e todo o grupo. Mom e Dad

  3. Gabby,
    Parabéns pelo trabalho ai na Amazônia. Nossas orações estão contigo.
    Seu primo JR e Suellen

  4. Hi to Brent from Suzanne and Braeden! We miss you, Daddy, but know you are busy doing great things!!! Hugs and kisses.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Gabi, so encouraged to hear you using your gifts and sincere heart to be vulnerable for the sake of these people experiencing God's love. I'm so blessed to see you selflessly doing His will. Miss you a lot and am praying for you and the rest of the team. Love, John.

  7. Querida Gabi,

    Me emocionei quando li a postagem de que você deu seu testemunho para o nosso povo sobre sua descoberta com o Espírito Santo. Imagino quanto foi importante para os jovens daquela comunidade afastada e sem muitas oportunidades receberem palavras doces e confiantes, vindo de alguém como você e especialmente falando a lingua deles. Seu exemplo de vida para eles com certeza irá ficar gravado na cabecinha de cada um. Gostaria de ouvir seu testemunho também. Será muito valioso para mim.

    Te amo muito e estou muito orgulhosa de você.
    Tia Marta

  8. "Querida Gabby, somos cada vez mais orgulhosos desta sobrinha linda que temos. Que Deus ilumine sempre seu caminho.

    Amamos muito voce. Um beijo no coracao. Tia Marcia e Tio Egon"

  9. Landen God Bless and guide you!
    Mrs. Galafassi

  10. Gabi e todo o grupo podem contar com minhas orações
    Desejo que DEUS proteja e abençõe em tudo o que ela e seus colegas estão fazendo
    Muitos beijos
    Terezinha Galafassi Nicoletto
