Sunday, June 19, 2011


Oi (hello) from Santa Terezinha!
Personal Messages
Dear Maureen, Micah and Jubilee - We're fully engaged and having a great tiem and seeing results. The
people are very nice. There are good attitudes all around. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Have a
great time on your trip. Please return my library books. Thanks. We love you....Rob and Josiah
Dear Dad (Ron Mills) and my stepdad, Tim. Happy Fathers Day! Too bad I wasn't there to share this day with
you, but I am sure that we'll celebrate when I get home. Have a great day! (Dad don't watch too much
NASCAR). I love you...Sam
Dear John and Dad Swenson - Happy Father's Day!!, Susan.
God's amazing creation!! Showered outdoors under a million stars. No one, but God could have created this.
God has protected us with no bug bites or pirahna or alligator bites! Spent the morning at the clinic diagnosing
and treating many patients. - Carla Johnson
Happy Father's Day daddy! I hope you are out on the golf course! Sorry I am not there with you!
I am doing well, mostly working with the eye glasses. The kids are adorable I may bring a few home! :) I miss
you and the rest of the family! Tell everyone hello and I love them! See you Saturday at 2! :) - Tracie
Tim, I love and miss you.  (hate not knowing!) no service, just Jesus Service.  Prayed for you, lab & Koreans. I
have been on pharmaceutical!  Blondes can count!  And I can now prescribe in Portugese! Hope to be in
touch w/you soon! - Nancy H.
To Kevin Suddeth - Happy Father's Day Dad! To Mike D. and the rest of my family - Love and miss you guys...
- Steph S.
To Larry York and Glenn Hatcher: Happy Father's Day! I can't say this year that I'm sorry I didn't get to be with
you on Father's Day, because this year there was a bigger purpose. Very happy to be here. :-) I'm sure you
understand. I do hope you've had a wonderful day with the love ones who are there and I do miss you all. We can all celebrate sometime when I get back. Justin: Even though you're not a dad, yet, just wanted to say love you! Miss you bunches.
-Kris H.
To Jeff Houvener- Happy Father's Day! I'm sorry that I'm not home to share this day with you but I know that
Mom and Nolan are making it special. I miss you all very much and I think about you all the time. I am have the
time of my life! To Mom- I have gone and I am growing!
To our loving fathers, Doug Meyer and Vimal Mehta. The trip has been amazing. We have continued to grow closer with God and with our fellow visionaries. The Brazilian people are amazingly kind and gentle. We treated more patients than we can remember today. It's difficult to help them without all of the labs, scans, and support that we are accustomed to in the U.S. By the grace of God, we have been able to see and help hundreds of patients over the past few days. We are both safe and having an amazing experience!
Hi Barry, Dom, and Dad!  We love you and miss you and hope you got to golf today.  Happy Day!  Love you lots, Phyllis and Linda
General Notes
Glory be to God! God used both my weakness in my knee and my love of horses to connect me with Cecilia
who accepted Christ today. There is so much love and kindness and we were singing to Jesus and it all just
started with me sitting there with my Portugese dictionary and starting a conversation. Cecilia led me to the
horses where we talked about many things and Cecila stated that she's known about God for some time.
Carol, translator, came over to help the conversation to go deeper where they both shared their love for Christ
and Cecilia asked if she could pray to accept Christ. Cecilia and I shared that we love each other and
acknowledged that we're sisters in Christ forever (lots of hugging...). Pastor Abim ael invited me to the
Christian church in Parantins. - Susan Roddy
This morning we started out the day very early. At 2am, Gary's hammock came untied and we were all
awakened by a thud when poor Gary hit the floor. After ensuring that he was okay, we all went back to bed for a
couple more hours. The sunrises here are absolutely amazing and for those who aren't morning people, it's
definitely worth getting up early. We sat down for breakfast and then shared some prayer and devotional time.
We hit the village early and set up all of our stations; medical, dental, eyeglasses, men's worship, women's
worship, and vacation bible school for the children.
At first, we weren't sure that we would be able to provide medical care to the villagers. Without a Brazilian
doctor we weren't going to be able to administer medications, but the village President said he would be
responsible for the people, which allowed us to provide them with complete medical care...Praise God! The
morning was filled with treating sprains, headaches, worms, a dislocated shoulder, a few surface wounds,
fungal infections, and a bunch of other stuff. There was a young boy in the group of patients that had a broken
arm that was still in the process of healing, but was healing wrong. Due to the fact that there isn't a doc to
follow up, Peter wasn't able to put a cast on the arm. After prayer, he found an aircast that meant that he was
able to treat the arm. Praise God! In total, they saw 178 patients!
The dental group was busy in the morning pulling teeth. In total, they pulled 48 teeth; 40 patients!!
The two ladies working eyeglasses, Tracie and Camilla, gave 100 villagers reading glasses today.
Those of us in Vacation Bible School, spent the morning teaching about Moses and the Ten Commandments.
Carol, Rachel, and Jay led the children in song. Michael and Jamie led the object lesson where they taught the
children about Christ's ability to cleanse us of our sins. After that, Sam (Moses); Peggy, Brenda, Maggie, and
Kristin (Israelites) put on a skit while Steph read the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. The children
were given a craft and then colored their pictures of Moses. We were all a big hit when we passed out
Twizzlers! 125 children learned about Moses and the Ten Commandments! In the afternoon, we told the story
of "The Blind Bartameus."
After the lesson, we pulled out the games to play with the kids. Sam and Anthony, with the help of our
translator, Carol, taught the kids how to play baseball! Sam and Josiah played frisbee with the children while
Kristin and Steph blew bubbles for the kids to pop. The young and teen girls weren't interested in playing
baseball so Jamie, Bethany, Maggie, and Steph grabbed some nail polish and painted their nails....many,
many nails! We played with water balloons with the children and taught them how to play "Pontu, Pontu,
Gonzu" (Duck, Duck, Goose).
Chris took many pictures throughout the village today and took 28 family pictures, which we printed and then
framed and gave to the families! They were much appreciative.
After a lot of talking and sharing, the Catholic leader in the village accepted Christ. He was sitting close to
Michael's presentation to the teen boys.  After Jay (translator) shared his testimony and Michael shared about
giving your sins to Jesus, the older man approached Jay and Michael and told them that every time he hears
the people who visit his village talking about Jesus and the Gospel he gets emotional.  Jay spent some time
ministering to him and he ended up trusting Jesus for his salvation.  Please keep this man in your prayers as
he will face much persecution. Pastor Abimael will be coming back to the village the first weekend of July and
offered to pay for the villagers gas (they travel by boat) so that they can go to bible study in another village.
It was a great day! We had multiple women and men pray to accept Christ!! Thank you for all the prayers!
As a final note, Happy Father's Day to all the fathers who are reading this!!
God Bless!

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